A story of hope

Adrián: A story of hope…

Meet Adrián. He’s celebrating his 5th birthday this month as he graduates from Centro Infantil Bellota.

When he first came to the Center, Adrián had difficulty performing fine motor activities such as using scissors and manipulating clay but he now does all of these without difficulty.

He loves to play with the variety of imaginative toys we have at the Center and is very engaged in completing puzzles and building with Legos. He especially loves puppet shows!

Adrián comes from a family with a difficult past. His mother, Magalí, was abandoned, along with her 6 brothers and sisters, in an orphanage at an early age in the northern part of Guatemala. She took responsibility for her younger siblings until they had grown.

Doña Magalí understands the importance of caring for her son and encouraging his development.

She tells us how grateful she feels to have the support provided by the  Center, allowing her to work selling products from a catalogue and allowing Adrián to play, grow, and learn with other children his age.

Because of your generosity, Adrián has made great strides in his early education and will step confidently into primary school. Magalí feels more confident in her parenting, supported by her community and pride in being able earn a living wage.

Thank you for making theirs a story of hope!


Every donation helps ensure that we can continue transforming the lives of families facing extreme poverty.

Maya Childcare Inc is run entirely by volunteers, thus 100% of your donation goes directly to the Acorn Childcare Center.

The fact that the Acorn Childcare Centre is able to offer such crucial, life-changing support to children and families living in extreme poverty, is thanks to the work and the generosity of many people, doing and giving what they can to help. Every contribution matters, and together all these efforts make a huge difference.

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